Kleefeld Evangelical
Mennonite Church
Jesus Focused - Community Minded
25121 Road 35N - Kleefeld, Manitoba - Ph: 204-377-4773

Sunday Morning
Sept - June
Sunday School (All Ages) 9:30 AM
Year Round
Worship Service 10:45 AM
We welcome you to join us for the Sunday service! Enjoy a contemporary worship time, preaching, and an opportunity to get to know the people who make up our church.
Our four music teams provide a broad range of music from old favorites to the newest songs. Regardless of the song, our desire is to draw the congregation into a spirit of worship, celebrating who God is and what He is doing among us.
“Worship through Giving” is a part of the service that presents us an opportunity to give thanks to God for His abundant provision. Special projects are also supported through this time of giving and will be announced specifically from time to time. If you are a newcomer, you are under no obligation to participate, but you are welcome to give if you feel so led.
Our sermon series either follows a book of the Bible or focuses on a specific theme found in scripture. We are committed to using scripture as our foundation to knowing God and to giving direction as to how we live.
From jeans to suits, we have a laid-back attitude towards clothing style so come as you are to worship and learn about the wonderful God we serve.
Sunday School
Children's Programming
Ages 2 - 18
Children can enjoy a lesson time, crafts, and age appropriate activies at Sunday School prior to the Sunday Morning Service. Volunteers will care for your child while you can attend your own Sunday School class.​
Adult Classes
Ages 18+
There are a variety of classes available to adults during the Sunday School hour. Classes change regularly and offer a wide range of study.