Kleefeld Evangelical
Mennonite Church
Jesus Focused - Community Minded
25121 Road 35N - Kleefeld, Manitoba - Ph: 204-377-4773
Offering up-to-date information concerning the EMC.
A monthly EMC publication.
Bruce and Elaine, our missionaries serving with Engage Today based in Winnipeg and L&D, our missionaries serving in SE Asia as partners of Engage Today. The site contains recent news and prayer requests.
Haven Group is a full-service seniors care provider. They provide life services for seniors, and supports families with again parents in southeastern Manitoba.
Southeastern Manitoba's Christian radio station.
A faith-based mental health and social services organization providing best practice, evidence-informed mental health recovery services.
The relief, service, and development agency of Mennonites in Manitoba.
Offering online daily devotionals, just like the print version of Our Daily Bread.
Christian University College located in Otterburne, MB.
Seminary located in Otterburne, MB.
One of 42 camps operated by One Hope ministries across Canada. The Roseau River camp is located on 143 acres, one hour south of Winnipeg.
Local Bible School and College in Steinbach, MB.