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Kleefeld Evangelical
Mennonite Church
Jesus Focused - Community Minded
25121 Road 35N - Kleefeld, Manitoba - Ph: 204-377-4773
Programs run throughout July and August

Kids Summer Programs
VBS is a 4 evening event for kids to learn about God in a fun environment. There are songs, stories, games, and snacks. Each years theme is different so make sure to come back here for more information closer to summer!
August 23-26, 2021
@ Kleefeld Park, 100 Park Ave., Kleefeld, MB
6:30pm -8:00pm
**note Monday begins at 6pm**
Theme: Rocky Railway- Jesus' Power Pulls Us Through!
This year due to changing restrictions,
we are running VBS in family groups.
Come and enjoy the VBS experience together as a family.
Every evening is filled with
fun, games, activities and snacks
while learning more about Jesus.
To Register today
click on the button below.

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