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Summer Sermons

"A Jewish Wedding" l Erwin Dirks l July 1, 2018 l Matthew 25:1-13




"Dining with Jesus" l Pastor Pete l July 8, 2018 l Luke 14:1-24





"What's Happening in the EMC? Highlights of Convention" l Abe Bergen l July 15, 2018 l Ephesians 3:14-21





"Do you want to get well?" l Michael Dueck l July 22, 2018 l John 5:1-15





"The resurrection changes everything" l Gerald Reimer l July 29, 2018 l Matthew 28:11-20




"Jesus Prayer to our Father about us" l Bruce Peters l August 5, 2018 l John 17




"The 30 Minute Gospel" l Lyndol Fast l August 19, 2018 l Ephesians 2:1-10




""Getting out of the Boat" " l Pastor Pete l September 2, 2018 l Matthew 14:22-33


A Jewish Wedding - Erwin Dirks
Dining with Jesus - Pastor Pete
What's happening in the EMC - Abe Bergen
"Do you want to get well" - Michael Dueck
The Resurrection changes everything - Gerald Reimer
Jesus Prayer to our Father about us - Bruce Peters
The 30 Minute Gospel - Lyndol Fast
Getting out of the boat - Pastor Pete
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